Thursday, July 9, 2009

Writer's block!

Wanted really badly to post something today coz I have really neglected this space for a while now... However, no creative juices whatsoever... Therefore, I am going to abandon this futile attempt for today and I'll try to come up with some creativity tomorrow... Life's ok... Today and tomorrow are my weekend days coz unfortunately I have to work this weekend so... Ta-ta... Later!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


That's how I was feeling earlier today... 'Why?' you ask? Lemme start at the beginning...
In an earlier post I mentioned my boyfriend, right? Anyway, we've been together five years now... An unexpected and weird combo we are, and we've had our share of fire and shit... Taken it from others as well as each other, and also given our share of it... To others and each other... Been through a lot together and stuck together through it all... Now, after five years of being together, we're going through what I think is our toughest time to date... A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP!
He's in Vellore and I'm in Kolkata... 2 and a half days by train and I dunno how many kilometers... I'm stuck in a new place where I'm still getting used to things, still in the process of acquiring new friends whereas he is still among many friends that he has made through the years... Unfortunately/fortunately, those 'friends' are also my 'friends' and most of them are girls...
I talk to all of the aforementioned people quite often, and as a result, I'm usually up to speed with what is happening (such as parties!)... Plus, there's also Facebook thanks to which there's almost no privacy left for anyone from anyone!
He generally prefers not to tell me about these parties, movie sessions, etc because he knows of my tendency to be an oversensitive, sentimental, possesive, paranoid b@#*$!!!
Problem is, I find out about them anyway, thanks to my beeping social network... And so, earlier today, I was told to back off!!! Hell-oo??!
Apparently I'm being too possessive or whatever, just because I asked him why he doesn't tell me anything and I have to hear things through everyone else... Apparently that's too much... Ok... Whatever... Screw you!
That's left me feeling bleh! Are you surprised??! BLEH!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Whatever you do...

This is actually a post I meant to write many days ago but somehow I got caught up with other things and then I had a network mishap, hence...
Last Thursday, I decided it would be a good day to get my room cleaned. There were dirt marks and footprints on the floor, a fine layer of dust over the furniture and my pile of laundry had only grown bigger (and wasn't doing anything towards improving the general state of my room). Plus, the monsoon rains/cyclone the previous week had somehow managed to seep in through one of the walls and create a puddle on the floor which, when it dried up, left these digusting yellow stains on my nice tiled floor!
Now for those who don't know, I live on the 6th floor of the hospital I work in. The room is actually an executive suite in the private ward of the hospital. I have no complaints regarding the accommodation provided because apart from the A/C and TV and internet facility (which is awesome btw), I also have the privilege of getting my room cleaned by the sweepers who attend to that ward. Yay! One less thing to do right?? I'm usually a neatness and order freak when it comes to my room, so beyond a certain point i cannot tolerate dust and clutter and that urge, that day, thankfully overtook my "It's my PERSONAL space, GO AWAY!" paranoia. Anyway... I asked the bhaiyya to clean my room...

And he did... I have never seen anyone do anything which such absolute meticulousness and dedication. Ok, that was probably a gross exaggeration, but still... He first swept, then he mopped with water, twice!! Then mopped the place again with cleaning solution... (That itself probably shows how dirty my room was!!)
What I'm trying to get at with this narrative is this... Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if working for the Lord and not for men... No, I'm not the author of that statement, it's in the Bible, Colossians 3:23 to be precise.
The sweeper bhaiyya obviously cared about doing a good job even though the task at hand was probably neither lifesaving, nor earth shattering... And that got me thinking about my job, how much dedication and will I should be putting into doing my part well... Even if it's not exactly my favourite job in the world! There's probably no harm in trying...
Lets see how that goes and how long it lasts...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dare You To Move

That's the title of one of my favorite songs of all time... Dare You To Move by Switchfoot from the album 'The Beautiful Letdown' is one of those new generation gospel + alternative rock songs that I first heard when David Cook sang it last year on the Top 3 show of American Idol season 7... I'm so grateful that I'm addicted to American Idol (yeah, I know... What??!) because it introduced me to this song... I don't know much about Switchfoot and I haven't completed 'listened' to any of their other songs (maybe I should!), but this song opened my eyes to so much that I had never thought of before...
My favourite lines from the song are - "Maybe redemption has stories to tell, Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell. Where can you go to escape from yourself? Where you gonna go? Salvation is here!" A lot of the rest of the song doesn't always cohere into one complete thought, but these lines say it all...
All of us, whether we admit it or not, have a story of redemption, of forgiveness, of finding salvation... In something, or someone... This song reminds me of mine... And thats why I love it so much, I think... Apart from the fact that Jon Foreman has one of the sexiest voices, ever! ;)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hmmm... This is something I've wanted to do for a while but never gotten around to doing... My boyfriend has had a blog for the past 4 yrs and i was content jus being an occasional writer on his blog... As of the last 2 months, however, a lot in life has changed... I've actually transitioned (is that even a word??!) from being medical student to doctor, intern to medical officer, south indian to north indian, Vellorite to Calcuttan, etc... Change is inevitable right? Anyway, changes in my life have kinda persuaded me to get into 'journalling' of some sort, and since diary writing has never seemed to work with me i thought, why not start blogging for a while n see if it works... besides, i have a lot of free time on my hands now (at least until i start seriously studying for PG entrance exams) and i've been advised to not let my brain atrophy coz of disuse! ;) Ah well, here's to major brain use in the coming days! Lets' hope it happens... Ciao!
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