Friday, July 8, 2011

A Prayer from My Heart

This is something I read today at work, while I was going through a little book called "Prayers From The Heart". My new job is not really busy and so I end up with a lot of free spaces of time where I end up studying, playing card games, listening to music and generally trying not to get too frustrated with the "un-work" that is my new job (yeah, not really working makes me crazy coz I'm weird that way!). Of late I've decided that on days when I can't coax my mind to do heavy medical studying, I will instead read light Bible-study material (that's an oxymoron in itself coz the Bible is probably THE most profound book I've come across). That's working out to be a good idea so far, because usually nowadays when I'm on the verge of snapping at someone for no apparent reason (frustration, remember?), I end up reading something that totally turns my day upside down.
Today it was this prayer. The background verse is from Exodus 4:11 "Who made a person's mouth? And who makes someone deaf or not able to speak? Or who gives a person sight, or blindness? It is I, the Lord."

Ah, Lord God!

How many times I forget that You are in control. I become so absorbed in my own struggles, my own joys, my own projects and my own schedule, that when another commitment or problem crosses my path I only wonder how 'I' am going to handle it.

When I turn my eyes inward, Lord, I lose sight of Your power, Your greatness, Your sovereignty, Your timing in every situation. I forget that those things I perceive as struggles are the very things that make me grow. When I focus on my abilities, I come away feeling inadequate. When I focus on Your abilities, I come away feeling strong. Only in Your strength can I understand another person's needs, sense someone else's hurt, or love another by listening. Help me to bear in mind that when I turn my heart to my own selfishness, I am of no use to anyone, not even myself.

Forgive me, Lord, for forgetting that You are in charge. Keep me focussed on You today, more than on myself. Thank You for giving me Your wisdom to guide me and Your strength to help me follow Your way. Help me to be a blessing to others and pleasing in Your eyes.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

Thanks sister.. what a great and much needed post.

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